Watts Shower Drain | Oceanus Round Drain Grate by Designer Drains
- Measures: 5 Inch Round x .160 inch thick with 3 screw inserts.
- Intended for use with Watts FD-100-B5 Drain Body (not included).
Oceanus designs by Designer Drains.
Watts Shower Drain | Oceanus Round
Watts Shower Drain | Oceanus Round
Watts Round Grate Replacement, Oceanus Waves by Designer Drains
Watts Shower Drain | Oceanus Round
Watts Round Grate Replacement, Nautilus Design by Designer Drains
Watts Shower Drain | Oceanus Round
Round Grate Replacement For Watts, Starfish by Designer Drains
Watts Shower Drain | Oceanus Round
Watts Shower Drain | Oceanus Round
Watts Shower Drain | Oceanus Round Drain Grate by Designer Drains
- Measures: 5 Inch Round x .160 inch thick with 3 screw inserts.
- Intended for use with Watts FD-100-B5 Drain Body (not included).
Oceanus designs by Designer Drains.