OATEY Cast Iron 3.25 Inch Round Shower Drain For Hot Mop


Compatibility with Hot Mop Waterproofing:

The drain rough is specifically designed for use with the hot mop waterproofing method. Hot mopping involves applying hot asphalt and felt paper layers to create a waterproof barrier in the shower area. The OATEY Cast Iron Shower rough complements this method, ensuring a secure, watertight connection to prevent leaks.

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OATEY Cast Iron 3.25 Inch Round Shower Drain For Hot Mop Overall rating: ★★★★★ 4.9 based on 86 reviews.
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After a few years, we are coming again to Designer Drains for another beautiful drain for our new shower. Because of some changes to the shower pan, we needed a different drain than the one we bought originally . Marie helped us gladly and patiently make the change to fit our new drain and we are thrilled. We will definitely return to this wonderful place where indeed their creations are jewelry for the bathroom, along with excellent customer service. Thank you so much!
- Natalie


I just wished I could exchange one of my drains I bought the wrong size, other than that I was totally excited and shared on Facebook with a photo. I was an Art Teacher and I feel that it is a beautiful piece of jewelry for your showers.
- Suzie Ace-Storrer
SKU: 325CIDB Category: