Keeping Your Kitchen’s Stainless Steel Spotless

kitchen sink strainer
Stainless steel is a beautiful finish, but to keep it looking its best, especially if you have a family of little ones, can be a big job. Here are a few quick cleaning tips to help you keep your stainless steel gleaming.
Source : Houzz

Keeping Your Kitchen’s Stainless Steel Spotless

Stainless steel is a beautiful finish, but to keep it looking its best, especially if you have a family of little ones, can be a big job. Here are a few quick cleaning tips to help you keep your stainless steel gleaming.
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4 thoughts on “Keeping Your Kitchen’s Stainless Steel Spotless

  1. Sheet Pile in Manila says:

    Thanks for writing this article on how to keep the stainless steel in the kitchen clean and free from grime. Never knew about the part you’ve written on the third one regarding pumice powder really informative.

  2. Braden Bills says:

    I’m trying to decide what kind of bench top I should get. I didn’t realize that stainless steel was so easy to clean! It would definitely be nice to just have to wipe it off. That’s something I would be interested in having put in!

  3. Braden Bills says:

    I want to make sure that I keep my stainless steel kitchen clean. It makes sense that I would want to remove knobs when I clean! That way it’s easier to clean around things.

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