Branding Hardware : Sheehan Tile Works.

Your Brand Is Your Promise To Your Customers!

The effectiveness of a brand isn’t just before the purchase, but it is about the life of the brand & the experience it gives a consumer.

Did the product or service perform as expected? Was the quality as good as promised or better? How was the service experience? If you can get positive answers to these questions, you’ve created a loyal customer.  

A brand not only creates loyal customers, but it creates loyal employees because your brand gives them something to believe in, something to stand behind.  It helps them understand the purpose of the organization or the business.  

This is why we teamed up with Sheehan Tile Works out of Gilford, New Hampshire, to help add a branding element to every project they finish. 

“Sheehan Tileworks has over 15 years of experience with tile and stone ranging from a simple bathroom or kitchen floor to a one-of-a-kind custom steam shower. Sheehan Tileworks has the knowledge and experience to help you with your project for material selection through completion. With a full-service showroom available featuring everything from basic porcelain tile to one-of-a-kind custom projects.” 



Step 1 – We received their logo in an illustrator file.


Step 2. Garret wanted to go without the name and just the “S”


square drain drawing
square drain drawing



Step 5. Rendering of concept drawing.


Step 6. The final product in Polished Brass.


Step 7. Side-by-side comparison of Sheehan branded drain cover vs. Schluter stock cover.


When you partner with Designer Drains, you are fully supported every step of the way as we work together to develop the right design for you.

Upload your logo, and let us take your business to the next level!


View their website at or showroom at 43 Gilford East Drive, Gilford, NH

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